Ancre Blog

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Take Hurdle Free Easy Finance On Opting For Bad Credit Tenant Loan UK

Bad credit is no more taken as a sin when such a borrower goes shopping for a loan though terms and condition are a little tough. Especially if the borrower happens to be a tenant, not owning any property worth taking loan against, meeting expenses becomes all the more difficult. If labeled bad credit, tenants can take refuge in bad credit tenant loan UK. Tenants can make use of bad credit tenant loan UK for different purposes like buying vehicle, paying for medical bills, going to a holiday tour etc. The loan can be availed by homeowners also if they do not want to risk property for fear of its repossession. Students and people living with parents are equally eligible for the loan.

Tenant is tagged bad credit because of payment defaults from his or her end and faced County Court Judgments and bankruptcy. On FICO credit score scale ranging from 300 to 850, credit score of bad credit tenant is either 580 or below which is considered as risky for offering loan.

However, despite bad credit, tenants get bad credit tenant loan UK in easy manner. Tenant should convince the lender that the loan will be paid back in time. To do so, tenant should produce proof of employment or source of regular income. This to some extent assures about safe return of the loan. No collateral is required to be offered to lender for securing the loan.

Tenant can borrow bad credit tenant loan UK anywhere in the range of 1000 to 25000 which is generally sufficient for meeting different expenses. The loan is usually given for smaller duration ranging from 6 months to 2 years. Interest rate is kept higher but it should not discourage tenant as the loan is paid off within months and the interest rate burden is not felt much. The loan is approved quickly as time wasted in collateral evaluating is saved.

It is beneficial to apply for the loan online. Number of lenders offers bad credit tenant loan UK packages in response to the loan application. Do not forget to compare them for lower interest rate and better terms-conditions. Online lenders charge no fee for processing application and give related details free.

Bad credit tenant loan UK thus is perfect option for tenant suffering from bad credit. The loan goes long way in improving credit score of tenant besides meeting necessary expenses. Pay off monthly installments in time to avoid incurring debt again.

Peter Taylor is a senior financial analyst at BestTenantLoansUK with an acumen for finance and insurance.To find Personal loan for tenant UK ,unsecured personal loan, adverse credit personal loan, new car loan, home improvement loan that best suits your need visit Blog69032
Honorine Blog87890

Great Cleaning Tips

ANT REPELLANT: To keep ants out of the house, find where the ants are entering the house and sprinkle a "barrier" of cinnamon or any type of ground pepper to block their way. The spices are too hot for the ants to cross.

BATHROOM ODORS: Place a shallow dish of baking soda behind the toilet to absorb bathroom odors.

CANDLE WAX: To remove wax from carpeting you should first scrape away any excess. Then, using a warm iron and a clean cloth or even a paper bag simply place the iron on top of the cloth over the wax and as you iron it will adhere to the cloth instead of the carpet. Continue moving the cloth around as you pick up the wax so you are always using a clean section of cloth. If a little grease stain remains sprinkle on baking soda and let sit overnight before vacuuming which will remove the grease residue and deodorize at the same time! If colored wax leaves a stain, blot with spot remover or carpet cleaner, following label directions.

CHIMNEY: To keep your chimney clean, throw a handful of salt on the fire.

CHROME: To remove rust from chrome, wipe it with aluminum foil dipped in Coke. To polish chrome, use a crumbled up piece of aluminum foil and rub!

CLOUDY DRINKING GLASSES: Soak them for an hour or longer in slightly warm (not boiled) white vinegar. Then use a nylon-net or plastic scrubby to remove film. Still there? The damage must be etching (tiny scratches that occur in the dishwasher) and is permanent, sorry to say. To avoid this altogether, hand-wash your best glasses.

COFFEE GRINDER: Grind up a cup or so of rice in a coffee grinder to clean the grinder and sharpen its blades.

COPPER: To polish copper, rub an ample amount of catsup on the copper and let it stand for 5 minutes. Rinse off the catsup with hot water and dry to find an incredible shine.

CRAYON ON WALLS OR WASHABLE WALLPAPER: Spray with multipurpose lubricating oil. Then gently wipe, using a paper towel or clean white cloth. If mark is stubborn, sprinkle a little baking soda on a damp sponge and gently rub in a circular motion. If lubricants residue remains, dampen a sponge with a solution of one or two drops of mild dish-washing liquid to one cup water. Squeeze out sponge and gently rub in a circular motion. Rinse sponge; lightly moisten with water to go over area; dry with a clean cloth. Another method is to use a blow dryer. It heats the wax and wipes away instantly. If the color remains behind, like red usually does, wet a cloth with bleach and wipe.

DEODORIZE: dishes, pans, cutting boards or utensils with those same pungent odors, simply add 1/4 cup of lemon juice to your dishwater.

FIREPLACE SOOT ODOR: To diminish and remove this odor, after you clean out the ashes, place a shallow pan of baking soda for a few hours or overnight in the fireplace.

FISH OR OTHER SPOILED FOOD ODOR: Place a bowl of white vinegar on the counter for a few hours. The odor will disappear for good.

FRESHEN A GARBAGE DISPOSAL: Sprinkle baking soda in it along with a few drops dish-washing liquid. Scrub with a brush (a new toilet brush works great), getting under the rubber gasket and all around the inside. Then turn on water and the disposal and flush thoroughly. For a fresh citrus scent, throw in a few cut-up lemons or limes and run them through, too, using lots of water.

FRESHEN LAUNDRY BASKET: Place a fabric softener sheet in the bottom of your laundry basket (remember to change it weekly.) You can also simply sprinkle some baking soda in the bottom of your basket and that will help absorb the odors as well.

FRESHEN LINEN CLOSET: In the linen closet place cotton balls that have been sprayed with your favorite scent. Once they are dry place them in corners and on the shelves.

INK STAINS: The best way I have found to get out ink stains is to put rubbing alcohol on the stain - it disappears! This must be done before washing. For ink on the wall, wipe with bleach and it will disappear.

KITTY LITTER: To keep cat litter fresh smelling, mix baby powder in with the litter.

MICROWAVE ODORS: Keep a cup of baking soda in the microwave between uses to keep potatoes from smelling like bacon or other unusual combinations! To clean baked-on food quickly, simply fill a measuring cup full of water and turn the microwave on for about 1-2 minute, until you see the water boiling. The moisture makes all the old food easily wipe off!

MOTHBALL SUBSTITUTE: Take your leftover soap slivers and put them in a vented plastic bag. You place the bag with seasonal clothes before packing them away. Not only will the scent prevent them from moth harm but also they'll smell great when you pull them out.

PAINT ON CARPET: Spray with Windex and wipe clean.

PERMENANT MARKER ON CARPET: Dab a washcloth soaked in rubbing alcohol onto the marker stain. Do not rub it - just blot it - rotating the cloth to a clean spot every time.

PET URINE ON CARPET: First, blot up what you can with paper towels. Mix one teaspoon mild dish-washing detergent in one cup warm water, dip a clean towel in the liquid and, working from outside in, dab at stain. Do not over wet. Rinse with fresh water and blot dry. Next, add on-third cup white vinegar with two-thirds cup water and dab on stain. Rinse with water; blot until dry. Once area is totally dry (after at least 24 hours), sprinkle entire carpet with baking soda or rug deodorizer. Vacuum after a few hours.

PHOTOS STUCK TOGETHER: With a hair dryer on low, slowly melt them apart.

ROACH PROBLEM: Combine equal parts boric acid (a powder sold in hardware stores and drugstores) and sugar, mix well. Sprinkle in crevices and, if building or remodeling, between walls before putting up plaster board. Put the powder in jar lids; place lids behind the fridge and under sinks. Caution: Keep mixture away from children and pets. If ingested in large quantities, or even in small amounts over several days, boric acid can be harmful.

SHOWER DOORS: I have clear glass shower doors. I have tried everything from CLR, Comet, to Clorox - you name it, I've tried it. Today I decided to try something different. I found a bottle of Resolve spot remover for carpet and fabric. I figured "Why not? I have tried everything else." All I did was spray the Resolve on the shower and with no effort ran a dish sponge over it and rinsed and every bit of the soap scum came off.

SMELLY COOKING HANDS: Simply rub your hands over a stainless steel utensil under running water. This works especially well for the odor of garlic, onions or fish.

SMELLY SNEAKERS: Simply fill knee-high stockings with unused litter, tie the ends and tuck them in overnight for a quick refresh. Add baby powder, too! Another refresher for smelly sneakers is to simply take a few teaspoons of baking soda and put in the center of a cotton cloth. Tie the cloth and rubber band the edges securely creating a baking soda sachet, which you put in the shoes overnight as well. These sachets can be used over and over in any kind of shoe.

SOUR SPONGE: Soak the sponge in lemon juice and rinse it out. This will remove the odor for good but keep in mind that it is important to either dispose of, microwave, or run your sponge through your dishwasher regularly to keep bacteria from growing.

STAINS IN PLASTIC STORAGE CONTAINERS: Use a baking soda paste (baking soda and water) and rub into the stain. You can then rinse with vinegar (optional) and wash normally. Another method is to place container outside on a nice sunny day and the sun actually bleaches the stain out. To avoid stains in the first place, spray container with cooking spray before putting things in it that stain i.e. spaghetti sauce.

STICKERS, DECALS, AND GLUE: To remove them from furniture, glass, plastic, etc. saturate with vegetable oil and rub off.

TARNISHED SIVERWARE: Line a cake pan with aluminum foil. Fill with water and add 1 Tbs. of baking soda per 2 cups of water. Heat to 150 degrees. Lay silverware in pan, touching aluminum foil. Watch the stains disappear!

TRASH BAG IDEA: Save money on trash bags by reusing plastic grocery bags. Use them in all your trash cans. To keep them from slipping down, affix a plastic, self-adhesive hook to both sides of the inside of the trash can. Hang the shopping bag from the hooks.

WHITE HEAT MARKS AND WATER RINGS ON WOOD: If the wood has a good finish (don't try on bare wood), mix equal parts of baking soda and regular white, non-gel toothpaste. Lightly dampen corner of a clean, soft white cloth with water and dip into the paste. With circular motion gently buff the marks for a few minutes. Wipe area clean, and buff to a shine. Follow with furniture polish. (If rings remain after buffing five minutes or so, they may have penetrated the wood; you might have to refinish the piece). If that doesn't work, dip a cloth in vegetable oil, then in cigarette ashes, then rub it over the mark. Another method is to rub real mayonnaise onto the stain, allow to sit overnight, then wipe with a dry towel.

Copyright 2006 Cecilia Sherrard. Marcel Blog98003
Julienne Blog92176

Jest Practices: Best Practices for Humor in the Workplace

Most agree that humor in the workplace can have beneficial effects. Yet not all humor is good humor. The challenge: how to interject appropriate humor and fun into our serious jobs without hurting others or seriously undermining the company. When used appropriately, humor can work for you.

Humor that Uploads Also Uplifts

Humor has the power to make people feel special. When you include people in fun it simultaneously improves morale, reduces stress and facilitates team building. With the prevalence of telecommuting and workgroups scattered geographically, the challenge of furthering working relationships, bonding and building camaraderie is real. At one San Francisco Bay Area company a workgroup staged an elaborate Remote Baby Shower. The expectant mother, who was out-of-state, called in for a pre-arranged conference call with her workgroup. When she did...surprise! Everyone was having a party in her honor. They uploaded digital photos of a decorated conference room and each other, and e-mailed sound files with well wishes. Everyone shared in the good cheer. This creative use of technology brought employees closer to each other, figuratively if not literally.

Humor That Brings People Together

Workplaces are full of opportunities to use humor for the benefit of all. Milestones are a natural place to employ humor. Dress like the recipient as a tribute during a surprise birthday party. Other celebrations to mark anniversaries, project completions or similar accomplishments are perfect opportunities to utilize humor. Even surviving certain projects is cause for celebration and fun.

Holidays are another natural time to employ humor. Halloween is a time for contests to see who can best decorate conference rooms; for other companies the anniversary of their founding is cause for celebration. Silly speeches, skits and spoofs abound.

And the Award Goes To...

Staging award ceremonies is a great way to have fun, recognize each other and revel in the shared work experience. Whether the categories mimic those found at the Oscars, Emmys or Tonys, or are derivative, esprit de corps rises when the team laughs at itself and each other. Best Supporting Actor, Best Impersonation of an Inanimate Object, Best Special Effects, Most Likely to Secede, or Lifetime Achievement Award.

Humor Is The Winning Ticket

Pranks can alternately be uplifting or uprooting. A desktop publisher, on April Fools Day, adorned his co-workers cars' windshields with mock yellow parking tickets, complete with envelopes for remittance. Upon closer inspection, these true-to-life replicas of tickets had whimsical offenses of significance to the recipients. The departmental joker's ticket cited him for "excessive use of farce" and the hard charging corporate counsel's infraction charged him with a "Failure to Yield." Of course the initiator of the gag was later cited for impersonating an officer. Everyone laughed at the spoof once they realized it was a joke. Judge Judy's signature at the bottom of the ticket gave it away.

Pole Position

A fast growing company didn't have enough office space for full cubicles for its new hires. One unfortunate hire's assigned cubicle had a giant pole in its midst. To her credit she never complained. Co-workers felt for her. One night they hit the streets, collecting various fliers from telephone poles in their neighborhoods. The next day when the new hire reached her cubicle, the offending pole was now covered with notices about missing pets, renters seeking apartments, cheap movers for hire and even local GRE study groups. Not only did the employee know her co-workers felt her frustration, it bonded them as well as they pulled together to help one of their own.

One Person's Humor is Another Person's Horror

When targeting humor consider targeting yourself. Everyone has a different idea of what's funny and what's not. Many a well intentioned prank or joke has backfired. One co-worker sent another a prank letter impersonating a local media figure. The recipient mistook it for real, interpreted it as harassment and called the FBI. Oops!

The Benefits of Self-Effacing Humor

When we make fun of ourselves it actually demonstrates our healthy outlook, showing we don't take ourselves so seriously. As a result, we're regarded as more approachable and down to earth. Don't make fun of yourself excessively. Such humor loses its effectiveness with overuse.

Everyone from politicians to CEOs to Southwest Airlines flight attendants use self-deprecating humor - humor that makes fun of themselves - to get people laughing at, and consequently with them. You can too.

While gallows humor may feel appropriate during layoffs and cutbacks, strive to employ humor that uplifts and taps universal themes for best results. Here's to laughter!

Since the age of eleven when he went door-to-door selling Used Jokes, Craig Harrison has been connecting with customers through humor. As a professional speaker and corporate trainer Craig Harrison's Expressions of Excellence provides sales and service solutions through speaking. Contact him at (888) 450-0664, through his website or via e-mail: Blog87727
Joshua Blog55250

What is your product really worth?

The secret of selling is the art of value visualization. A natural sales person will lead the buyer through a series of structured questions, whereby the buyer will actually see what the product will enable them to do. The Sales person then will encourage the prospect to put their own value on that capability.

In the early days of selling, sales people were taught to discuss their product's features and emphasize those features that distinguished them from the competition. As the art of selling matured, sales people were then taught to emphasize the benefits of their products in other words what their products did for their customers.

"Help your customers realize the Value that they will Gain from buying your product"

Today's the buzz words are all about solution selling and consultative selling. Sales people are asked to look from the buyer's perspective and match their needs accordingly. This is a huge step from the early days of feature pushing, but I firmly believe they need to go one step further.

The good news about this, for business owners who do not have formal sales training, is that this magic step is actually common sense. The secret to generating a prospect who will willingly become a buyer is to get them to define, in their own terminology, the value of having your product.

OK, so how do we do that? We go back to first principles, the reason why you started your company. You probably saw a gap in the market, felt you could create a product or service to plug that gap, did some market research, found there was a need and hey presto, you created a company to make, market and sell that product.

So what was that need? What did people really want? If they got your product what did that enable them to do? Could they easily put a value on it?

If the answer is yes to the last question, you need to ensure that your product's cost is less than the value they put on it. Why? Because then buying it for them is good value.

So the real secret to sales success is to help your customers realize the Value that they will Gain from buying your product.

And just when you thought that was enough there's more! The final two things you need to fix in your customer's mind are;

When they need to have it

What the downside of not having it is

Once your sales person has managed to do all of that, you know what? They won't be coming to you asking for discounts. The customer understands the Value they are getting, and besides, what good sales person is going to ask you to reduce their commission by giving away revenue they don't have to.

Remember, encourage your prospects to see what they could really do if they were using your product, and then put a value on it.

Let me leave you with one question to ponder. Why does a Porsche 4X4 cost 130,000 more than a Hyundai 4X4 does it cost that much more to make, is it that much better, and is it worth it? It is truly amazing the value some people put on image but then that's visual.

This article was written by Peter Lawless, founder of 3R Sales and Marketing For previous articles like this, visit 3R's Articles. Alternatively, subscribe to Success our free monthly Information Bulletin with sales and marketing articles.Eric Blog14716
Korella Blog90950

A Guide To Choosing The Perfect Camera Bag

Good Camera Bags are crucial to the amateur and professional photographers alike. Youve just spent time deciding on which digital camera to buy, now all you need to do is to find a suitable bag to protect your camera and your equipment.

Next to your Camera, a camera bag could well be the most important piece of kit you purchase. You certainly want to protect the camera you just spent your hard earned money on, and it also needs to be a safe and sturdy carrying case. Its very important that your bag allows you to access your equipment easily and helps you organize your photographic equipment into compartments where possible.

There are many different bags available, from Crumpler and Sony to Lowerpro and Domke, all in a variety of shapes, sizes, materials, and functions. Which bag is most suitable to you largely depends on the type and intensity of photography you undertake. For example a Landscape photographer will often find him or herself shooting in damp or wet environments, so a durable, waterproof bag is appropriate. However, a weekend photographer shooting family day outs would simply need a soft, padded bag, normally carried over one shoulder for ease.

A cam-bag should make carrying your camera easier, not more of a hassle. So make sure that you find a bag that fits your camera well and preferably has wide, padded straps for comfort. If you are just starting out, you may only need a simple basic camera bag that will just hold just your camera.

However, if youre more experienced, or carry more kit than usual, such as lenses, filters etc, you will obviously need a larger bag capable of taking more weight. Ideally, youre going to want one that can hold all of the accessories you use most. Normally a camera body, spare lens, cleaning cloth and memory card holder. Remember though, if your camera bag is going to be used to carry more than just a camera, you definitely want dividers in it. These make it easier to keep your accessories separate. Try to find a bag with an inner zip pocket which can be ideal for your car keys or money, when traveling on foot.

A very important factor often overlooked when choosing a camera bag is the Zip. Look for Bags with big tooth zips. These type are less likely to jam or stick if they get damp or dirty. Some of which are available with rain closures which protect the zipper from rain. There are also double closure Zips which open and fasten from both ends, great for shooting pictures on the move. Although the color isnt crucial, it is worth thinking about subtle colors, these will undoubtedly draw less attention from potential thieves and also mid toned bags will not absorb heat as quickly as other colors in hot environments, which could cause possible problems with digital equipment.

Gary Bunn (Editor)Jean Francois Blog20774
Hippolyte Blog21941

A Guide to Buying a Property in Cyprus


The Cyprus Property Market

Cyprus is one of the more popular real estate markets in the world. Activity in the real estate market in Cyprus is brisk, including foreign nationals who buy and sell real estate Non-Cypriots have been involved in all areas of the real estate market. Foreign nationals have been found to invest in commercial, investment and residential real estate in all areas of the country.

Most industry experts maintain that the real estate market in Cyprus should continue to do a brisk business well into the coming decade. With the entry of Cyprus into the European Union, more and more foreign nationals from EU member states likely will become involved in the Cypriot real estate market.

There are no prohibitions on foreign nationals purchasing real estate in Cyprus. However, and as will be discussed in greater detail shortly, a foreign national must obtain prior permission from a Cypriot governmental agency in advance of making the purchase of real estate in that country. Generally speaking, this approval is relatively easy to obtain -- although the process of obtaining the permission can be rather time consuming

Investment Property in Cyprus

One of the primary areas that foreign nationals have become involved when it comes to real estate investment in Cyprus is in the resort and vacation property arena. Cyprus remains a very popular destination for people on holiday. As a result, foreign nationals have taken to buying apartments, single family residences and hotel properties which in turn are utilized by men and women on holiday.

Over the course of the past decade, a number of foreign nationals have profited dearly through investments in real estate used for vacation or holiday purposes in Cyprus. Indeed, because this type of venture has proven so profitable for some foreign nationals, these men and women have taken to purchasing and investing in multiple property holdings in Cyprus. Again, and has been noted, this is particular true in the area of investment in properties that are intended to be used for vacation or holiday purposes.

Residential Real Estate in Cyprus - Single Family Properties

A significant number of foreign nationals have established second homes and vacation residences in Cyprus over the course of the past thirty years. The trend towards purchasing second residences and holiday homes in Cyprus continues on to this day.

One of the more recent occurrences in regard to holiday or vacation homes in Cyprus involves the creation of significant developments that are designed exclusively for people who want gracious residences on Cyprus. These developments in many instances are taking the form of gated communities for the security conscious foreign national who wants to idle away part of the year in Cyprus.

In addition, some foreign nationals have determined the benefit of purchasing older residences in the country and embarking on improvement and remodeling campaigns to bring them up to date. In some instances, these men and women are rehabbing properties and putting them back on the market -- making nice profits in the process.

Residential Real Estate in Cyprus - Apartments

The Cypriot apartment market is bustling in the 21st century. With Cyprus movement into the EU, a significant number of foreign nationals from other EU nations are finding themselves in the country with some degree of regularity. In this regard, many of these business men and women have turned to spending a significant amount of time in Cyprus each and every year. Rather than hole up in a hotel, these men and women have taken to purchasing apartments in Cyprus.

Some of these business minded people have gone so far as to rent or lease out their apartment properties when they are not in the country on business -- making their apartments an income generating enterprise.

In some resort communities, men and women from foreign countries have purchased apartments for vacation and holiday purposes. There is a wide range of different types of apartments of available for sale in resort areas in Cyprus.

Holiday Property in Cyprus

As referenced previously, vacation real estate sales in Cyprus is brisk business in the 21st century. One area in which foreign nationals have been active in the market is the purchase and ownership of single family, free standing residences on the island. These types of residences generally do come with some fairly hefty price tags.

In addition to larger residences that are being purchased with regularity by foreign nationals, many foreign nationals have taken to purchasing holiday apartments in the country. In some instances, these foreign nationals have turned these types of property into something of a lucrative investment. For example, when they are not in residence in Cyprus, these men and woman are turning around and leasing out these holiday residences to other individuals -- including many foreign nationals -- who then use these residences for their own holiday purposes

Mortgage Options

When considering the options for a mortgage on your overseas property there are a couple of choices to consider;

Do you consider raising finance on your existing property in the UK to cover the whole cost of your purchase abroad? A good idea if the interest rate in the country in question is a lot higher than it is here in the UK as you will pay a lot less in monthly repayments.

Do you secure a mortgage against the property from a local bank in the country of purchase? This can be a wise option especially if the interest rate is lower than our current UK interest rate. Most overseas mortgage / bank lenders will require upto 30% deposit on mortgages. However, you will need to give some thought to how you will service your mortgage payments each month especially if you are not living or earning in that country as you may well lose out on exchanging money each time to cover monthly expenses. Check out our Foreign Currency page to see how you can save money in this example

Some Builders and developers may well offer their own mortgage facilities on their properties for sale. This can be beneficial to both parties depending on the logistics of the mortgage or loan facility. Always check and compare with the two options above before making your final descision.

For more details on Mortgages in Cyprus visit our Mortgage page in the Cyprus section.

Specific steps to buying real estate property in Cyprus

The initial step that a foreign national must take before he or she can purchase real estate in Cyprus is obtaining approval from the government. Specifically, a foreign national must require permission to purchase real estate in the country from the Council of Ministers. A would-be purchaser of real estate in Cyprus needs to keep in mind that the process of obtaining approval from the Council of Ministers can take from between eight to fourteen months. A would-be purchaser also needs to appreciate that if he or she makes the purchase of real estate without the prior approval of the Council of Ministers, a title deed will not be able to issue transferring ownership of the real estate to the foreign national.

While the process of obtaining permission from the Council of Ministers is not a matter of overnight approval, the process itself is not difficult. The Council has taken steps to make the process as easy as possible for a foreign national seeking to purchase real estate in Cyprus. Time consuming in some ways, the application and approval process is not difficult to maneuver through.

Once approval is obtained from the Council of Ministers, the next step in buying real estate in the country -- once a piece of real estate has been identified for purchase -- is signing of the preliminary contract. At the time this agreement is executed, a holding deposit is posted with either a lawyer or a notary.

When the holding deposit is paid, a companion reservation deposit agreement also is executed. In point of fact, it is the deposit and this secondary agreement. The property is then taking off the market and remains in that position for the time spelled out in these agreements. Provided that the terms of the preliminary agreement are satisfied, the property will not return to the marketplace.

The deposit that is lodged in Cyprus normally is as low as 1%. The parties can negotiate a particular deposit amount -- but, in most instances, the standard deposit is in the amount of 1% of the overall purchase price of the real estate that is being sold. The remaining balance due and owing on the overall purchase price will then be due and owing at the time of the execution of the final contract, which will be discussed shortly.

During the period of time that follows the execution of the initial, preliminary agreement, the lawyer who has been appointed to oversee the transaction will investigate the status of the title the real estate through the District Land Registry Office.

Following this period of investigation into the status of the title, and provided that the buyer has obtained appropriate financing, the parties move onward to the execution of a final contract. It is at this juncture that the closing of the real estate transaction in Cyprus becomes rather complex when contrasted with what occurs in many other countries around the world.

When the final contract is signed by the parties, the contract itself is filed with the Land Registry Office to prevent the same piece of real estate from being sold a second time. An application is then made to the Central Bank of Cyprus to approve the transfer of funds for the purchase of the real estate. (This approval is not necessary if both the seller and buyer happen to be foreign nationals. However, it is required if at least one party to the transaction is a Cypriot.)

The title will be transferred to the buyer at this juncture and the buyer will be entitled to possession the real estate. It is important to note that if the real estate is newly developed, the title itself will not issue for upwards to three years after the signing of the final contract. With that said, the buyer is protected because of the filing of the final contract with the District Land Registry Office.

There will be some different taxes due and owing -- and paid by the purchaser -- after the signing of the final contract. However, these taxes are not particularly costly or significant.

Property Abroad always recommends using a Solicitor or Lawyer.

Les Calvert - the Director of often writes articles and information on the overseas property market. Visit their site with useful information and properties for sale in Cyprus Blog98003
Cascades Blog90573

Argentine Spanish Versus Spanish From Spain: Do They Even Speak The Same Language?

One of the most frustrating things about learning Spanish is that, somewhere along the line, students realize that the Spanish they hear spoken by native speakers may or may not be the same Spanish that they had been taught at their university or high school.

Say, for example, its your first time traveling in Latin America and you go into a green grocers in Buenos Aires to ask the price of a box of strawberries that you saw in the display stand.

Cunto cuestan las fresas? you ask, proud of your linguistic skills the complete sentence, the verb that is properly conjugated, the Spanish 101 vocabulary that you remembered at just the right moment.

But instead of smiling and answering your question, the green grocer stares at you blankly, as if you have two horns growing out of the top of your head: Eh? Its the reaction that every foreigner learns to know and to dread.

Your problem isnt that you have a faulty memory in Spain they would have understood you perfectly its just that youve stumbled across one of the many linguistic variations in Spanish. Whereas in many parts of the Spanish-speaking world fresas is indeed the correct word for strawberries, in Argentina they are more commonly known as frutillas.

Frustrating? Yes. But should it be entirely unexpected? Just think about English and how many different ways the same thing can be expressed: a truck in the US is known as a lorry in Britain, and the Americans bathroom is known by the Brits as a loo; an American eraser is known as a rubber in England, whereas a rubber in the US is . . . Needless to say, the potential for confusion, and even embarrassment, is hardly lacking, especially if youre a foreign speaker who is new to the language.

Its no different in Spanish. Languages are big, complex phenomena and the ways we express things are constantly changing. Naturally, after several hundred years of minor mutations, the Spanish spoken in Mexico is somewhat different from the Spanish spoken in Argentina, which in turn is different from the Spanish spoken in Spain.

But thats not to say that the native speakers from these different countries cant understand one another because they can. The differences between their ways of speaking the language are most likely to be a source of amusement and interest than anything else, something along the lines of: You mean you guys say frutilla? Really? Because here we say fresa.

Thats one of the great things about studying abroad: that you can become aware of the things which make language a living creature unpredictable and surprising rather than an artifact from a textbook.

Neutral Spanish isnt spoken in any Spanish speaking country or city. Becoming aware of regional differences between the varieties of the language, as well as the things which the language has in common and which tie its 400 million speakers together, is part of the fun and the challenge of learning the language.

Scott Ferree is a translator and English instructor, as well as the study abroad coordinator for the Interhispanica Spanish Language School in Buenos Aires, Argentina: Blog67819
Lucilia Blog21896

Camping Checklist

Last time I went camping, I wish I had been more resourceful to "spice up" the most exciting adventure I have experienced during my stay at one of the best camping facilities I have ever visited; that of a sandy beach. Although I always leave my house to go camping after checking everything from my list of things I wanted to take and I make sure that my car gas will last for at least some considerable part of the journey, I prefer while being at the camping spot of my choice, not to do plan or schedule anything. Just do whatever I feel like whenever I feel like it.

But people do not always agree with my plans and this is usually the time when each one has to find his or her own tree to place the tent that will host his or her existence for the duration of the trip. This is not a joke. When I reach my destination and check my camping list I try to relax completely and avoid organizing every single moment of my vacations. In case people wish to continue doing so, I have no objection but I will simply not follow if I do not wish to. So, regardless of the kind of camper you are, I would strongly recommend for you to consider making your own camping checklist and use it every time you are getting ready to for your next camping adventure. A little advanced planning will make your camping trip easier and your life simpler. Then it is always feasible to forget the organizational freak you hide inside somewhere across the shore and enjoy your vacations accompanied by your closest friends and partner.

There are several categories of gear you might need, so it is better if you begin by categorizing items according to their main category: basics, fire building, dinning and cooking, lighting, and miscellaneous equipment or extra items you might not think of carrying with until you realize you needed them.

Among the basic items is the tent, a sleeping bag, a simple camping stove, food and water. But apart from the necessary items, other gear can accommodate you during your camping time and help you feel more like home. For example, your list may include, plastic ground sheets, an air mattress, plastic storage boxes, blanket, folding tables and chairs, pillows, a first aid kit, rope and scissors, a well-working knife, a hummer and a shovel, sunscreen, toilet paper, insect repellent spray, towels and washcloths. For your kitchen supplies you might need a can and a bottle opener, cookware, cutlery for preparing food, a lighter/matches, the appropriate fuel for the camping stove, dishwashing detergent, a coffee maker, a thermos, tablecloth, a pot holder, utensils, plastic garbage bags and aluminum foil. In addition, if you wish to be able to see where you are going during the night it is important for you to bring more than one flashlight and plenty of batteries. Before buying lamps make sure you can carry the gas or liquid they use. Moreover, you will probably need to pack a screwdriver, a bottle and a can opener, a pair of tweezers and scissors. Miscellaneous things include a sewing kit, reading material (I would put this right after the tent), paper and pen (and then this would follow) or a battery-operated clock.

Kadence Buchanan writes articles for - In addition, Kedence also writes articles for and Blog37045
Ghislain Blog79226

Chinese Trademark Registration An Essential Primer

Though the United States media have published a number of stories deriding China's intellectual property protection, those articles nearly always neglect to mention that in most instances involving trademarks, the fault lies with the foreign company, not with Chinese enforcement. The reality is that many foreign companies fail to register their trademarks in China and thus have no real right to complain about any "infringement" there. To expect protection, foreign companies must register their trademarks in China and the prudent company does this before going in.

There are actually a number of people in China who make a living by usurping foreign trademarks and then selling a license to that trademark to the original license holder. Once one comes to grip with the fact that China, like most of the rest of the world is a "first to file" country, one can understand how easy this usurpation is, and also, how easy it is to prevent it.

The fact that you are manufacturing your product in China just for export does not in any way minimize the need for you to protect your trademark. Once someone registers "your" trademark in China, they have the power to stop your goods at the border and prevent them from leaving China.

The key to protecting a trademark in China is actually very simple: register it in China.

China's trademark requirements are actually quite similar to those in most other countries. The trademark must not conflict with an existing Chinese trademark and it must be distinctive. China allows for registration of all marks for goods, services, collective marks and certification marks.

China's Trademark Office maintains a centralized database of all registered and applied-for trademarks. Trademark applications that pass a preliminary screening are published by the Trademark Office and subject to a three month period for objection. If there are no objections within this three month period, or if the Chinese Trademark Office rejects the objections as frivolous, the trademark is registered. If the Chinese Trademark Office supports an objection, it will deny the application. Denied applications may be appealed to the State Administration of Industry and Commerce Trademark Review & Approval Board and then to the People's Court. Based on our experience, objections to trademarks are rare.

A Chinese trademark gives foreign companies a surprising amount of protection in China. If a foreign company learns that its trademark is being infringed in China, it has a number of actions available to it.

We usually advise our clients to pursue a multi-pronged approach to protect an infringed upon trademark and to pursue the infringer. The foreign trademark owner should usually file a lawsuit against the infringer, seeking damages and an injunction stopping the infringer from continuing to sell the infringing goods. The Chinese courts in the more commercialized regions are actually quite willing to enforce China's trademark laws, even for foreign companies. Trademark infringement is a crime in China. For serious cases of infringement, a complaint to the office of the public prosecutor can often result in a criminal prosecution against the infringer. The Chinese police will close the offending operation and seize the counterfeit goods. The courts are authorized to impose both fines and imprisonment. Finally, if the counterfeit goods are destined for export, a notice to the Chinese customs authorities will prevent export of the counterfeit goods.

Dan Harris is an attorney with the international law firm of Harris & Moure, pllc, and lead blogger for China Law Blog ( Blog87916
Kesley Blog87244

Find Your Speaking Audience by Knowing Your WHO and WHAT

Are you a public speaker who thinks its hard to find speaking audiences? Or are you a relatively new speaker or wannabe who finds it hard to get started? Perhaps you are in a services business and want to add speaking to your marketing to grow your business. Or you might be looking to add another revenue stream. Dont let finding your speaking audience keep you from sharing your message.

Imagine walking into a room filled with your target market. Heres a key to reaching more people so they can hear you and hire you. And the good news is, the same key ingredient is also the secret to your success at marketing yourself as a service provider.

THE SECRET HAS TWO PARTS: You need to know your WHO and your WHAT. First, get clear on your target market audience, or your WHO. This is who you serve.

Second, determine the outcomes you deliver, or your WHAT. This is what you do for this population of people.

Sounds pretty simple, right? And yet Im one of hundreds or thousands who resisted narrowing my target audience and niche for a long time; years. I didnt want to exclude anyone and, as a new business owner, I didnt want to turn people away and I would happily work with anyone so I started making money! The surprise, which might seem counter-intuitive, is that choosing a narrow market and specialty is THE best step to market your business, get invited to speak, and to receive referrals.

WHO YOU SERVE. Think of a population of people who you enjoy being around, care about, and whose problems you are familiar with. Consider with whom you have an affinity and the problems they typically have that you enjoy solving. Think in terms of their demographics; age, gender, profession, level of education, location, interests. Examples: women dentists, mid-life women, divorced fathers, first-time home buyers, single professional women, young male lawyers in their first 2 years of practice.

WHAT YOU DO. Now that you have identified a sub-group of people with some characteristics in common, what problems or complaints do they share? Think in terms of outcomes. What results do people have after theyve worked with you? What problems do you solve? EXAMPLES: Going back to our sample target markets above, you might help women dentists get more clients or help mid-life women build a first-time business or plan for their retirement activities or retirement finances.

WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? Generally, in terms of marketing, once you can identify a sub-population of people, you can begin to figure out where they hang out. As a speaker, this also helps you find your speaking audience! Does an association exist for these people? Is there a specialty sub-group in the Chamber of Commerce for this population? Perhaps they read the same publications and hear speakers in an organized setting. This is a great avenue for you to publish articles they might read and to get invited to speak at their meetings.

Knowing WHAT you do for your audience also helps you prepare to speak by handing you your topic! By knowing the minds of the people in your speaking audience, you also know the problems they have in common and can provide them with answers, resources and a taste of what its like to work with you.

TAKE THE NEXT STEP. Its time for you to get in action to find your speaking audience. Ask yourself the questions above to see who you have the strongest desire to work with. You can also make a quick review of your past and current clients, find your favorites, and then observe all their identifying characteristics, both demographic and by personality and behavior. Notice any patterns? Make a choice and claim your target market so you can find your speaking audience. They are waiting to find you, hear you and hire you!

Gail Sussman Miller teaches women soloprenuers and corporate teams how to love business obstacles (like speaking) and overcome them with greater ease, less stress and more success. Hear a free teleclass on the topic of this article and other offers at Blog23449
Jules Blog53197

Practically Perfect Proofreading And Other Editing Myths

One of the difficulties a writer faces is reviewing their work in an attempt to locate all errors. There are generally two forces that work against a writer who attempts to ensure their work is error-free.

1. Being too close to the work you have difficulty concentrating on the writing.

2. You know what you want to say so it is possible you read over mistakes simply because your mind only sees your impression of the article.

In order to be effective in proofreading your own material you have to work hard at reading every word

Refuse to speed through simply because you know what the writing says.

Consider each word, then each phrase and then the context of the thought.

Does the article flow or are there phrases that bog it down?

Check punctuation and grammar.

Look at the headline and make sure it is correct.

Do the above all over again.

Most often the best personal proofing requires multiple readings and ongoing edits. The key to the entire process is discipline personal and professional discipline.

Check and recheck the facts in your story and when possible allow another set of eyes to proofread your writing. They will likely see things that you missed.

There is another myth that is closely linked to proofreading and that is the myth of the perfect story. Anything we write will either have a shelf life because styles and accepted practices change or we have missed something in the arena of consistency, grammar, spelling or word use.

If we keep a piece of writing under lock and key until such time as we think its perfect we will likely find that the article will never see publication. You can go over your article with a fine tooth comb and you are likely to see some error when it is finally published.

Writing should be taken seriously, yet not so seriously that the stress of word crafting removes the joy that caused you to become a writer in the first place.

The best advice may be to simply write your story first and worry about fixing any problems afterward. If you stop writing in the midst of your story in order to correct trouble spots you are likely to lose the spontaneity of the storyline. This can ultimately have a detrimental effect on the overall reading satisfaction of the consumer.

If you have to be a perfectionist wait until the story is complete and then get out your red pen and make a few alterations.

Scott Lindsay is a web developer and entrepreneur. He is the founder of FaithWriters ( and many other web projects. FaithWriters has grown to become one of the largest online destinations for Christian writers. Please visit the website at: Blog65738
Harold Blog12901

Changing Trends Lead To Popularity Of Online Education

A 2005 research report states that enrollment in postsecondary distance learning courses has increased from 1.98 million in 2003 to 2.35 million in 2004. Why are so many Americans choosing to earn all or part of their college degrees online? Hectic schedules and time crunches may be part of the reason, but changes in social and work trends also contribute to career changes, and prompt many people to turn to online education.

Layoffs, Downsizing, and Displacement: A Springboard for Distance Learning

With rare exception, we no longer graduate college, go to work, and retire from the same company we originally went to work for. Downsizing, rightsizing, voluntary severance packages, and early retirement all add up to the same thing: Displaced workers who want to return to work, whether in the same or a new line of work. Homemakers displaced due to divorce must often join the workforce, and need to learn or update career skills. In an effort to recover, and sometimes restructure their professional lives, greater numbers of people are turning to distance education.

Quality Education Programs Available Online

If you want to take online college courses, but are concerned about the quality of distance education as compared to traditional classroom instruction, don't worry. A 2005 survey found that 63% of academic institutions offering traditional undergraduate degrees also offer distance learning. In addition 65% of institutions report using primarily core faculty to teach online compared with 62% of core faculty assigned to teach classroom courses. If you want to enhance your t career potential, or train for an entirely new profession, online education programs offer everything from individual courses to graduate degree and certification programs. Make sure the online education program you choose is properly accredited and offers academic and technical support, and then get started on your first online college course.

Karen Lawson is a freelance writer whose professional interests include postsecondary education and academic ethics. She earned her BA and MA degrees in English from the University of Nevada, Reno. Karen is a writer for Blog9125
Korry Blog14963

Legal Thriller Author Analyzes Paper Trails Scams

If 75% of women wear the wrong bra size, and 75% of men wear shirts with the wrong sleeve length, is it any wonder that so many people do not understand paper trails, do not understand their critical roles in con games? Fraud, shell games, scandal-revelation and creation, and rip-offs of every kind flower from this tell-tale debris.

And, alas, most importantly, it is essential to understand how all of this paper trail information is tied together by social security numbers. (For the intent to rob you blind, this information collecting method is, obviously, patently illegal. For the lawn mower manufacturer, in his search for demographics trying to sell you a new riding mower, however, society seems to feel this is O.K)

Spreading like wildfire, with the aid of an internet stage setting, what are paper trails anyhow? Let's be more specific.

Simply put, as they might affect you, they are every sort of record, kept anywhere, that link business transactions back to you. These can be any paper document such as a bill of sale, promissory note, receipt, application, resume filing, customs claim, insurance form, notarized statement, any legal form. These spell out into computer records.

It's largely society's propulsion into the computer / internet era of the 1990s that has brought about this current-day fleshing out of the "paper trail." It's now so efficient that the structural schematic of this thought-police invasion--this total assault on your privacy--should indeed frighten you. What next? you might ask. Will you be marked with a tracking device so the government always knows where you are?

In this day and age it's computers, computers, internet, internet. Far and wide. They are to blame. It's computer records that pull all these bits of paper information together, to the delight of con artists.

Examples: Credit card purchase? Computer. Bank deposit? Computer. House purchase? Computer. And, the list goes on and on. Endlessly.

Take a simple, one-time credit card purchase. This is stored in the bank's computer, as well as several way stations along the path back to your bank, in the network's computers. When you deposit cash into your checking account the information is stored in a computer. when you deposit cash into your savings account the information is stored in a computer. when you buy a house you get a triple-whammy, the transaction is stored in a computer, in paper form, and on microfilm at your county recorder's office. Every time you turn around and blink these days, it seems, something about you is recorded in a computer.

And, sad to say, the common link that pulls all of your business transactions together is your social security number. It is the commonly used identifier of the present day age. By using only your social security number the con man can put together a near-total list of your business transactions stretching back over the years.

So, stealing your ss number--it being the string-tying mechanism which pulls everything together-- then packaging it neatly and presenting your financial affairs to the world as the "whole you"--makes it easy for the con man. These data include such invasion-of-privacy issues as what assets you have, where you shop, what you buy, and what you owe on various credit accounts and loans. The skilled con artist knows precisely how to pull this string.

Unfortunately, too many people today regard this as only a mild irritation, like talking to robots on the phone while trying to make a warranty claim on a defective computer. Red flag! It's far more serious than that So, like it or not, the challenge is on you, to weave, dodge, confuse, and bewilder any scam artist who might be about to stalk you.

How do you do this? How do you fortify your defenses?

You must disrupt your paper trail. This can partially be done in several ways, or combination:

1. A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away (seemingly), cash was used. Stash your credit and debit cards. Earmark them for occasional or emergency use only, and for the most part rediscover cash money, paper and coin. Go back to this simpler form of exchange wherever possible. We all feel nostalgia isn't what it used to be, but this step alone will go far toward masking your paper trail.

2. Set up a Trust. This is like turning the porch light on, with nobody home. It somewhat confuses the paper trail by disrupting the con man's view, due to the linkage between you and your Trust. Like the service station attendant washing your windshield with a soapy brush, this will partly obscure the vision of the con man trying to put together a financial profile on you.

3. Refuse to star in the con artist's psychodrama. Go offshore. Not physically. Just export some of your assets This is not considered socially acceptable. Not patriotic, either. But, it's not illegal, and it is most effective. If you make yourself invisible to the bureaucrats--and the scam artists--they will have no address with which to find you. (A page torn from a legal thriller?)

4. You ask, what if the Hokey Pokey is really what it's all about? Incredibly, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that bank records enjoy no privacy protection. That's right, none. They are considered property of the bank, You are not, however required to reveal your social security number when opening a non-interest bearing account, e.g. checking, debit, credit card. So, don't. You are only required to reveal your social security number to a bank when interest-bearing accounts are involved. This is because the bank must report to I.R.S., for tax purposes, on how much they paid you.

5. You can even out-con the con man. Follow the New Hampshire state motto: "Go away and leave us alone." Get yourself a post office box, then write, "Moved, left no forwarding address" on the face of every envelope that the postman tries to deliver to your home. That would certainly leave anyone trying to steal your identity hanging by a quickly-shrinking thread. This would be like giving a seeing-eye sled dog to a blind Eskimo..

These are just a few of the steps you can take to shore up your privacy. These steps will not totally obliterate the scam artist's view of your financial structure. But, it will hinder it to the point of nearly crippling him, leave him babbling to himself, wondering how to write zero in Roman numerals. Consultation with an expert attorney would undoubtedly reveal more avenues of privacy restoration.

If such preventive steps were universally adopted, it would be quite a blow to the scamsters. It would leave con men everywhere quaking in their Hummer SUVs and calling their analysts on their cell phones.

The Con Man's Blog, and first two chapters of Jack Payne's legal thriller book, Six Hours Past Thursday, are now available online. Both readable for free. You are invited. http://www.sixhrs.comAdeline Blog79756
Lark Blog35041

Article Writing Secrets: Here's Where to Get Ideas

That's the most common question I get from fellow writers looking to break into article marketing. The truth? Steal them.

Yes, you literally steal ideas and twist them a bit to make them fresh make them yours.

That leads to another question, how do you make old ideas yours so that they're fresh, new and dare I say revolutionary?

Actually, it's not as tough as you may think. Here's a quick and easy formula I use for turning old content into something new:

1.Find an old text. Dust off articles, books and home-study courses from your industry and find content that may be useful to your audience. I know what you're thinking. What about copyrights, Lisa? Good question. Unless you plan to republish entire blocks of text from the source material, you won't run into any problems. See the following points to find out why.

2.Pull out key points. Look at the information and pull out the salient points that really jump out to you. I usually highlight the points that are exciting to me, and then I re-phrase those points by putting them into my own words.

3.Add your expertise. Under the key points, you'll want to share a bit of advice and expand on the main idea. The best way to do that is to share some of your experience. Tell an anecdote or story from when you handled a similar situation. For instance, when I was an editor at a large business-to-business newsletter publishing company, I often took several articles, pulled out the main ideas and combined the information to create one short, coherent article. You can do the same.

4.Raise your voice. To make sure you're using the source material as a point of reference only, consider reading your final article aloud. If it doesn't sound like something you'd say to a friend or colleague in the industry, re-write it. In my experience, that's the only way the article will ring true with your readers. Plus, you'll steer very clear of the copyright police who, frankly, aren't really watching anyway. It's your audience you want to please.

Bottom line: Maybe they have heard this information before, but they haven't heard it from YOU a battle-tested, shooting straight-from-the-hip expert.

It really is that simple. But it does take some practice. Find two long articles from your industry and boil them down to four or five key points. Then simply expand on those points by sharing stories and anecdotes from your experiences.

Try it and let me know how you make out. This is the best way to find so-called fresh ideas. When you look at it this way, new ideas are everywhere.

Lisa Sparks, marketing expert, is in the process of revealing every article writing trick, tip, idea, strategy and tactic she's learned over her 16-year career as an editor and marketing geek. Get more free advice at: Blog73487
Ghislain Blog79226

Isle of Wight Museums

Isle of Wight museums are an outstanding assortment of wide-ranging historic collections located around the Island. They are so diverse that everyone, regardless of age will enjoy a visit to at least one of these excellent museums.

Below is a selection of the main Isle of Wight museums, listed by location.


The National Wireless Museum (also at Seaview)
Arreton Manor
PO30 3AA

The museum houses a good collection of vintage wirelesses and radios.


Bembridge Maritime Museum and Shipwreck Centre
Sherbourne Street
Bembridge PO35 5SB
Tel: 01983 872223

A museum devoted to displaying nautical heritage. Displays of shipwrecks, salvage, pirate treasure, early and modern diving equipment.


Wax Works Museum
Brading: The Experience
46-48 High Street
PO36 0DQ
Tel: 01983 407286

The original Isle of Wight Wax Works Museum and Animal World was founded by Graham Osborne-Smith and opened in 1965. Today it is still owned by an Islander who has developed this historical and wonderfully interesting attraction into more than just a Wax Works. It now has many exciting ongoing developments, and in particular the huge new extension - World of Wheels which opened in 2005. The site also boasts a unique and beautifully themed caf serving homemade delights, a discount factory outlet store and a gift shop. This is one of the most popular of the Isle of Wight museums.

The Lilliput Museum of Antique Dolls and Toys
High Street
PO36 0DJ
Tel: 01983 407231

This cottage museum was established in Brading in 1974, and was formed from the private doll collection started by the Munday family in 1960.

It is acknowledged as being one of the finest and most important collections in Great Britain with over 2000 exhibits on display dating circa 2000 BC to approximately 1945 AD. There are examples of almost every seriously collectable doll together with a number of dolls houses, rocking horses, tin plate toys, trains, bears, soft toys, and many other unusual play things.

Brading Roman Villa
Morton Old Road
PO36 0EN
Tel. 01983 406223

Brading Roman Villa is one of the finest Romano-British archaeological sites in the UK. The award-winning Exhibition and Visitor Centre offers a unique insight into Roman life in Britain, from the beautifully preserved mosaic floors to the extensive collection of Roman archaeology, including coins, pottery and tools.


Carisbrooke Castle Museum
Carisbrooke Castle
Castle Hill
PO30 1XY
Tel: 01983 523112

The wide range of items on display include archaeological material excavated from the castle, Tudor furniture, objects and documents associated with King Charles Is imprisonment and material illustrating aspects of Island life such as farming, smuggling, tourism and domestic life. The exhibitions are housed in the great hall and in other rooms, including one used by King Charles as a bedroom.


Cowes Maritime Museum
Beckford Road
PO31 7SG
Tel: 01983 293394

Cowes Maritime Museum contains boats, paintings, and models depicting the maritime history of Cowes and the Isle of Wight.

Isle of Wight Military History Museum
Northwood Camp
490 Newport Road
PO31 8QU
Tel: 01983 527411

Originally a World-War II military barracks, the Isle of Wight Military History Museum stands in a 15 acre setting and houses tanks, guns, and post-war vehicles.

Sir Max Aitken Museum
The Prospect
83 High Street
PO31 7AJ
Tel: 01983 295144

The Prospect was the Cowes home of Sir Max Aitken Bt DSO, DFC, a man well known in Cowes but with many other claims to fame. Born in Canada in 1910, Sir Max has been acknowledged by his achievements as the newspaper magnate, a fighter pilot in WWII, a Conservative MP, a racing yachtsman, a powerboat pioneer and the London Boat Show founder. The Prospect became well known as the place where he entertained many friends and in 1979 he created the Prospect Museum Trust with its unique collection of marine artefacts. He died in 1985 but this very personal museum is a lasting reminder of a very remarkable man.


Dimbola Lodge Photographic Museum
Terrace Lane
Freshwater Bay
PO40 9QE
Tel: 01983 756814

Dimbola Lodge was the home of pioneering Victorian female photographer, Julia Margaret Cameron. Dimbola Lodge served as both her home and, more importantly, her studio. It was here that the greatest of the Cameron photographs were made. From Dimbola Lodge Cameron photographed the cream of Victorian society. Tennyson, Darwin, Watts and Thackeray lived locally, and guests often included Lewis Carroll, Robert Browning, Holman Hunt, Palgrave, Edward Lear and the actress Ellen Terry. Dimbola is now owned and managed by The Julia Margaret Cameron Trust and has a permanent exhibition of her work.Dimbola Lodge is also home to a permanent display celebrating the 1970 Isle of Wight Pop Festival, as well as showcasing exhibitions from both local, national and international photographers throughout the year.


Nostalgia Toy Museum
High Street
PO38 3HZ
Tel: 01983 840181

The Nostalgia Toy Museum features a large collection of toy cars and lorries by Dinky, Corgi, Matchbox, Triang and Hornby, as well as other popular toys from days gone by. A lovely trip down memory lane.

Shell Museum
The Natural History Centre
High Street
PO38 3HZ
Tel: 01983 840333

The Shell Museum houses a large collection of shells from local and tropical shores. Also on display are precious and semi precious stones and minerals from around the world, local fossils, dinosaur bones and crown jewel replicas. There is also an extensive gift shop featuring exciting jewellery, shells and minerals.


Guildhall Museum
High Street
PO30 1TY
Tel: 01983 823366

Designed by John Nash and built in 1816, the historic Guildhall is home to the Museum of Island History and Newports Tourist Information Centre. Discover the Island from pre-historic past to the present day.

Classic Boat Museum
Seaclose Wharf
Newport Harbour
PO30 2EF
Tel: 01983 53349

The Classic Boat Museum opened in 1996, and houses an exciting collection of sailing and power boats. The collection contains not only classic boats, but also tools, artefacts, books, photographs, film and archival items that relate to much of the history of boat building, sailing, yachting, cruising and racing over the last century, in the Solent and beyond.

Isle of Wight Bus and Coach Museum
Town Quay
PO30 2EF
Tel: 01983 533352

The museum is situated on Newport Quay, formerly used as a grain storage warehouse, but since 1997 has been the home to the Isle of Wight Bus & Coach Museum. An impressive collection of Island buses and coaches can be viewed here. There is also a Ryde Pier tram car dating back to the beginning of the last century.

Newport Roman Villa
Cypress Road
Tel: 01983 529720

The Villa was discovered in 1926 when an owner of a nearby house sank foundations for a garage. Subsequent excavations revealed extensive remains of a late Romano-British farmhouse built around 280 AD.


Isle Of Wight Geological Museum
High Street
PO36 8AF
Tel: 01983 404344

Fossils, dinosaurs, turtles, mammals, shellfish and even insects are displayed here to illustrate ancient life. Their fossils have been painstakingly extracted from local rocks to provide clues to their original environments.


The National Wireless Museum (also at Arreton Manor)
Puckpool Park
PO34 5AR
Tel: 01983 567665

The largest collection of old wireless sets in the country. From pre world war and Edwardian days containing old valve sets and early crystal sets. Free parking and playground for children.


Ventnor Heritage Museum
11 Spring Hill
PO38 1PE
Tel: 01983 855407

Ventnor Heritage Museum has fascinating displays of old photographs, prints, documents, and artefacts relating to Ventnor and district. There are also exhibits about the local railway with working models.

The Smuggling Museum
Ventnor Botanic Gardens
The Undercliff Drive
PO38 1UL
Tel: 01983 853677

This unique attraction was opened in 1973 and features over 700 years of smuggling practices. The museum has over 300 exhibits housed in 3 large underground galleries.

The Longshoreman's Museum
PO38 1JT
Tel: 01983 853176

The Longshoreman's Museum is a small personal collection of historical and nautical items

Martin AgerDelphine Blog11026
Marcel Blog98003

Buying A New Computer 101: The Basics

Ok if your reading this I'm going to asume that you already have a computer but lets face it, in todays computing enviroment the power (speed) of computers doubles about every 18 months. We like to joke that when you get a new computer its obsolete before you can get it out of the box.

You have completed the first step, deciding that you need a new computer, now we must make a vital decision before any others can be made. Do you want a Macintosh or a Windows based computer? In the past Macintosh computers could only run the Macintosh operating system, however with the release fo the Intel chipsets in the new Mac Pro line users can now run either windows or Mac OS X. The basic advantages to buying a mac are: more stable operating system (aka it doesn't crash as often), for all practical pourposes they do not get viruses, adware or spyware, the tech support is very good, you can run Windows XP or Mac OS X and the operating system is very easy to use. Now the advantages of owning a Windows based computer are: cheaper, to be honest this is the honly advantage that I can think of and the main reason they are cheaper is usually because inferior components where used.

I own several computers, two Macs and a PC. I love the macs they are a joy to work with, they never break and I never have to defrag the hard drvie or run a virus scan. The PC I use because I like to play games. It is constantly breaking down adn having problems. It really comes down to this, if you want to play games and you cant instal Windows XP on your mac then buy a PC if you cann install windows on your mac buy a mac. Macs use higher quality components and are more reliable!

My name is Ian I am running several websites right now including:Barbara Blog68383
Juin Blog95552

Back to School - Talk To Your Teen About Driving

Its September, many teenagers in this country will be driving themselves to high school in this country as the age requirement is 16, 17, and 18 for different states. Other teenagers will be driving to college for the first time and keeping a car on or off campus as regulations permit. Its time to have a serious discussion about driving with your children. Actually its past time.

While my children were growing up I always talked to them about driving. As situations would arise, I would ask them about how they would have handled it. When we differed, I went into details about why I thought they should have use another method. Lets talk about how you can help your children be better drivers until the time when their skill levels catch up to their egos.

Use space cushion driving

You cant hit a vehicle, or have an accident with another car if the other car isnt around you. When I drive on a highway, I do not drive with cars right next to me. If somebody who wants to drive next to me, I either speed up or slow down, I do not want company. When a problem happens and the guy next to you has no where to go, where does he go, right into you, thats where. He cant hit me if Im not next to him.

Beware of cars with goods tied onto them

Never drive behind a car or a truck thats carrying stuff on his roof or sticking out of his trunk. First of all, you are working with the assumption that the items are secure on his vehicle. Do you really think they tied that ladder on good and tight? Has the driver been using the same stressed out weather worn rope for years to tie things onto his vehicle? You do not want to be riding behind a vehicle when that ladder or bicycle comes off.

The left lane is a passing lane

The left lane is a passing lane, it is not meant to be driven in constantly. Only in America do cars drive continually in the left lane, forcing other cars to pass on the right. You should be driving in the center lane, and right lane. The left lane is for passing. You would not believe the number of accidents that occur from driving in the left lane, annoying the driver behind you whos trying to make time. Drive to the right, and you will get into less trouble with other drivers.

The problem with drinking alcohol is reflex time- Talk to any researcher on alcohol and they will tell you that alcohol consumption slows down your reflexes. The more you consume the slower your reflexes become. People who drive motorcycles and have accidents have two things in common, half of them are unlicensed, and half are drunk at the time of the incident. Booze slows down reaction time and in driving, reaction time is everything. This is why you dont want to drink and drive. With young drivers its even more dangerous because they dont have years of driving experience under their belt to have a fund of experience to fall back on when they get into trouble.

Parking lots are unbelievably dangerous

More accidents occur in parking lots like supermarkets, malls, movies, and other mass parking facilities than just about any other location. The reason is that drivers feel secure in the location and tend to drive at faster speeds than whats reasonable. You cant see around corners, and therefore you should be driving slower when you cant see. I have witness people racing around corners in parking lots countless times at excess speeds and running head on into another car. Take it easy in parking lots and go slower when you have less vision.

Look in the direction that you are driving

When you back up, turn your body around and look out the back window. Do not face forward and back up, even if you are using mirrors. You have to be able to see the blink spots. This is especially true when driving an SUV. Many times you will be higher than the driver in the vehicle behind you. This means you will have no idea who is behind you. Yes, you should be using mirrors as well, but you actually want to see out of the back window if thats the direction you are going in.

No cell phones, no food, no pens, no paper

When you are driving, the only thing in your hands should be the steering wheel. Forget about cell phones and food. Concentrate on the road, and you will stay alive to eat at another time.

Build a cushion of experience

You have to learn to drive consciously before you can learn to drive unconsciously. How much you have to turn the steering wheel to make a turn is something I do unconsciously. Until youve done it a hundred times or more, it is not a natural move to you. You need road time or time behind the wheel to build up the natural experience that is now intuitive to drivers who have been on the road for a while. Take it easy at first, your time will come.

Know your limitations and stay within them

Dont push your skills to the wall yet. If you are tired, stop, get out, rest, take a walk, do anything but drive a car. People fall asleep at the wheel and never wake up, the crash kills them.

Know who you are driving with

I can teach you everything I know about driving. The problem is what happens when you get into the car as a passenger with some other driver who I havent taught. A hot shot who drinks and drives, or a dare devil whose cashing checks with his speed that his car cant handle. Think about who you are getting into that car with. If they are drunk, dont even think about getting in. The graveyard isnt far behind for drunks; its only a question of when.

Most professional truck drivers doing 50,000 plus miles per year, can go years and sometimes decades without an accident. Its because they have implemented the concepts that I have mentioned above. Be one of the ones that make it through the school year. Be smart, drive smart.

Goodbye and Good Luck

Richard Stoyeck

Richard Stoyecks background includes being a limited partner at Bear Stearns, Senior VP at Lehman Brothers, Kuhn Loeb, Arthur Andersen, and KPMG. Educated at Pace University, NYU, and Harvard University, today he runs Rockefeller Capital Partners and http://www.stocksatbottom.comDominique Blog57290
Endeavour Blog81802

Sonic the Hedgehog, Long Live The Legend

Sonic the Hedgehog truely is a legendary video game icon. He smashed his way onto the gaming scene back in 1991 when SEGA first brought you the super fast, blue blur character.

Known for his rebellious attitude and signature speed, Sonic has made a name for himself in the gaming world and has no plans of fading away anytime soon.

Not only can you find Sonic games on the original SEGA console, you can find Sonic games on next generation consoles including the Wii, PS3, PSP and Xbox 360.

Sonic and the Secret Rings was released for the Wii console on February 20, 2007. Sonic brought his trademark speed and rebellious attitude to the Wii in his first solo adventure since he was first introduced, back in 1991. The gameplay is simple, but challenging and sonic soars through the game at top speeds!

Sonic the Hedgehog is the title for the Xbox 360 and PS3 consoles. This video game was created in order to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. It was released November 14, 2006 for the Xbox 360 and January 30, 2007 for the Xbox 360.

Sonic Rivals was released November 24, 2006 for the PSP handheld console. Custom built for the Playstation Portable, Sonic Rivals is a unique head-to-head racing experience!

While these newer games are all the rage, you can also find great sonic games on other consoles as well, including the PS2, Gamecube, Xbox, Gameboy Advance and Nintendo DS. The SEGA mascot brings fun and excitement to all the video games and drags some friends along for the fun. Some friends included are Miles Tails Prower, Amy Rose Hedgehog, Shadow the Hedgehog, Knuckles Echidna and Cream the Rabbit. And, of course, Sonic's arch enemy, Dr. Eggman, shoves his way into games as well.

Oh, but wait! The fun does'nt stop there. Die hard Sonic the Hedgehog fans have created fun and exciting Sonic Flash Games for gamers to play online. They are browser based games that are creative, fun and addicting. Yes, you may find yourself playing these games for hours on end! One of my favorite Sonic Online Games is Ultimate Flash Sonic. It's an amazing remake of the classic SEGA Genesis game, Sonic the Hedgehog.

To learn more about Sonic the Hedgehog games and play Sonic games online, visit the Ultimate Sonic the Hedgehog Fan Site,

Kristen Crane has been a Sonic the Hedgehog fan since he was first introduced in 1991. http://www.sonicgame.infoMarie Blog38087
Larissa Blog73885

Monday, February 4, 2008

The Link Between Your Credit History And Your Insurance Premium

Did you know your credit history and score could have a tremendous impact on your ability to obtain insurance and how much you pay for it? Many consumers are not aware of this link and because of it they are often in for quite a surprise when the time comes to take out a new insurance policy.

Insurance carriers are becomingly increasingly aware that a tendency to pay other bills late may mean that you will pay your insurance premiums late as well. As a result, more and more carriers are opting to run your credit history before providing a quote. In some cases, a poor credit rating may mean you pay more for your insurance while in other cases it could mean you may not be able to obtain insurance at all.

Just how bad does your credit have to be to interfere with your ability to obtain insurance? It really depends on the guidelines used by that individual insurance company; however, in some cases, missing just as few as two credit card payments could mean you might have problems. In some instances, missing just two payments could mean you premium might be doubled.

You are not necessarily exempt from this type of problem even if youve been with the company for a long period of time or if youve had a good history in terms of losses, either. Some consumers have been rudely surprised to learn their policy has been cancelled due to credit score problems even though they had previously had a long relationship with their insurance carrier.

How can insurance companies do this, you might ask. As previously stated one reason is that many companies feel that you may have an increased tendency to pay your premiums late. Other companies justify the practice on the basis that if youre irresponsible with money you may also be irresponsible with other aspects of your life. Some statistics serve to back up this theory, indicating the thought that individuals with poor money management skills also handle other areas of their life with less responsibility, such as driving or even taking care of their home.

Of course this doesnt take into consideration the number of people who have a poor credit score due to the fact they have experienced financial difficulties rather than possess poor money management skills.

Is there anything you can do about this practice? Not really. If you have been with the company for a long period of time, you could try protesting it, but your chances of winning arent very good.

Ideally, its best to try to get your credit score in shape by running it yourself and making sure there are no errors on there to drag down your score. Then concentrate on raising it by paying down other debts and paying your bills on time. You may have to live with a higher premium for awhile but the good news is that when your credit score starts to rise your insurance premiums should go down.

Joe Kenny writes for the UK personal finance sites and also Baptiste Blog2368
Gaston Blog94797

Getting Your First Computer

Have you ever wanted to buy your dream computer? You have save your monthly income to buy it but you did not know what specification you should choose since there are lot of choices in the market today.

Beside budget, below are the important factors that you should look into when buying a computer. They are the operating system, processor speed, graphic card capability, power supply, hard disk, and the monitor. Take a look at this simple guide and I hope that you will have a nice computer buying experience later.

Build it yourself or ask somebody else?

Firstly before stepping into choosing the suitable hardware, a question that you should ask to yourself is whether do you want to build your own computer or ask somebody to build it for you?

>From my experience, it is better to ask somebody else to build it for you if this is the first time you want to buy your own computer. You can always learn to know about your computer hardware and software later. But, do not forget to assist the salesperson and ask him or her anything that you did not know about your computer. He might give you some tips of what should do and shouldnt do with your computer during the building process.

Choosing the hardware

Now, we will look into buying hardware for your computer. Your computer hardware determines your computer speed. There are lots of factors that affect how well your computer will perform as well.

The Processor

Nowadays, two big companies are in the race of getting the fastest processor for mainstream are the Intel Corporation and Advanced Micro Device (AMD). What Im going to tell you is not which one of them are the best, but some aspect of processor that you should know.

The greater the processor clock your processor have, the better performance it will be. As example, a 3.0 gigahertz Intel Pentium Processor will beat the 2.0 gigahertz version of the same processor. But there are bottlenecks that limit performance in other places such as the caches size and latency, power consumption, and temperature.

So, for conclusion it always better to choose a processor that have least power consumption, large cache size with low latency, and capable of running fast in well-accepted temperature such as 34 Celsius, and have the latest feature such as support for dual-core and 64-bit computing.

Remember, dont compare different type of processor performance with clock speed since its proven by AMD that clock speed did not influences the performance of the processor very much unlike the 1998 era.

The Monitor

Prefer choosing a LCD monitor over CRT Monitor. No heavy lifting required with a LCD monitor since they weigh less than half the average CRT monitor. LCD monitors require half the power of CRTs and emit much less electromagnetic radiation which can interfere with other electronic devices.

Talking about the LCD size, 17-inch is enough already since it give the best support to resolution that operating system widely use nowadays (1024 by 786 pixels). But, if you want to keep your computer for a long time or want to use to make it as part of your Digital Media Centre, LCD Monitor with larger than 19 inch size is recommended.

The Graphic Card

A graphic card is a must have for modern computer today. Never intend to use integrated graphic since it will greatly slow down your computer. PC graphic such as photos and videos will require a lot of processing power. Without the help from graphic card, the CPU needs to handle all the system and graphic processing.

Choosing a graphic card is easy depends with how you use your computer. If you did not run any games, graphic card without latest features is acceptable. Just make sure that the graphic card supports the incoming operating system from Microsoft, Windows Vista. Since a high-end graphic card will require high power for SLI or crossfire function, if you want to save your electric bills, consider mid-range graphic card which usually sold at 150-250 dollar.

Power supply

The higher the wattage that a power supply support, the better it is. If you want to purchase additional hardware for your computer later such as USB optical mouse there wont be a problem for you since a decent power supply will supports your need. A good power supply is the power supply that can give out as much 500 watt of power or higher than that.

Hard Disk

An internal hard disk with latest Sata 2.0 (serial ATA) support will serve you perfectly. Other than that, the size of the hard disk should be big since you might want to store a lot of pictures, music, and movies later. 200GB hard disk is the regular specification nowadays. If you want to keep your hard disk for a long time, 500 GB would be enough.

How many hard disks should you buy? The minimum is one but I recommend you to get two hard disks for your computer. One will be for main operating system and the other one for storing your personal data. This is essential to avoid those data from clutter together. Moreover, your computer performance might increase if you use two hard disks. This is because the computer can access the operating system files directly from its own drive.

The Operating System

For the best user experience, operating system from Microsoft such as Windows XP still dominates the market nowadays. Since lots of people using it, getting support would not be hard. Just go to a tech support forum and your software-related computer problem will be solved there. Although you can use Linux operating system for free, it is not recommended because not all hardware supports Linux.

Well, thats all for now. Your journey to build your dream computer should not end here. Ask your friends for some advices such as a good computer hardware shop in the town or their past experiences in buying their computer. Thus, you will not feel regretted with what youre going to buy.

Muhamad Fuad is a full-time technology blogger who has a lot of interest to information technology. With the past-pace growing technology world, he is willing to learn new things everyday to be shared with his blog readers. Go to his blog now to see the latest thing that he discovered.Koressa Blog99540
Baudouin Blog46027

Your Guide To Low-Cost Online Airfare To Florida

There used to be a time when vacationers picked up the phone, called their travel agent and kept their fingers crossed, hoping for a great deal on a flight. If you were lucky enough to get a discounted rate, that was wonderful. If you had to pay full fare, well, you weren't going to cancel your vacation over it. Just as computers have changed the way the world operates, they've also turned Joe Traveler into an armchair travel agent. Today it's possible to check flight availability, search for the best fare, book your own flight and in some cases, even choose your seat on the plane - all at the click of a mouse.

The advantage, of course, is the ability to compare air fares offered by several different companies within a very short time span. There's no phoning around, no automated messages to contend with and the information is right in front of your eyes.

There's no waiting for the travel agency to open at 9 a.m. and no cursing when you realize they closed at 5. When you wake up at 2 a.m. with an urge to fly to Orlando, you simply fire up the computer and book your flight online. Thanks to easy-to-follow instructions, the Internet helps you access virtually the same airline timetables, ticket prices, routing, seating information and restrictions details as a professional travel agent.

But anyone who's ever surfed the 'Net knows that it can be a time-consuming process - unless you know exactly what you're searching for. That's why we've come up with this handy, concise list of Web sites that promise low airfares to many popular destinations. Though a computer isn't a substitute for a knowledgeable travel professional, it can give you - the consumer - the inside track on where to find some really great prices.

Keep in mind that a well-designed online travel site should let you access the same information you'd receive from a travel agent. This includes finding and booking flights; comparing prices, seats and routings; researching destinations; tracking flights in progress; offering information about discounts and incentives; and keeping consumers updated on travel news and events.

Jacky Uy writes for where you can find out more about cheap airfare guides and other topics.Innocent Blog51778
Ferdinand Blog93780

Secured Loans - Cashing In On Rising House Prices

Look in any estate agent's window and it becomes clear very quickly how much house prices are rising across the UK. But that can be a real advantage to a homeowner looking to raise some quick cash - perhaps to consolidate credit card and other debts or to embark on some home improvements.We're talking secured loans here, of course, perhaps the easiest form of loan to obtain.That's because security for the loan is provided by bricks and morter - your home, in other words.And because there are so many lenders willing to provide such loans, because the borrower is offering bricks and morter as security, some really competitive loan rates are available.The secured loan takes advantage of the equity which may be locked up in the value of a home. For example, a home bought for 60,000 (via a mortgage) may, years later, be worth double the purchase price or more because of the steady, increasing rise in house prices.And it's this difference in value then and now, known as the equity, which allows the homeowner to borrow against and which is attractive to the lender.

The loan may be provided by the lender of the original mortgage. Or it may be obtained via a second mortgage, through a different lender. The homeowner could also obtain a remortgage, for a larger amount.No matter by what method the secured loan is obtained, if the homeowner defaults on repayments, the lender can repossess the property and get back the money borrowed.And of course the lender providing the original mortgage has a legal first charge.This means their claim has priority over the claim of any subsequent lender involved.As such, because of the perceived increased risk, the rates offered by the second lender will usually be higher.

So how much can you borrow? Depends on the equity. What sort of terms are available? Anything from a few years to 10, 20 or more years. What rates can you expect? Somewhere around 6% to 7% is fairly common.But it all depends on your circumstances - and everyone's situation is different.Talk the matter over with an independent financial adviser first before taking the plunge.

Ian Duncan is the owner of and - proving secured loans.Kriste Blog22676
Fernand Blog3725