Ancre Blog

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Camping Checklist

Last time I went camping, I wish I had been more resourceful to "spice up" the most exciting adventure I have experienced during my stay at one of the best camping facilities I have ever visited; that of a sandy beach. Although I always leave my house to go camping after checking everything from my list of things I wanted to take and I make sure that my car gas will last for at least some considerable part of the journey, I prefer while being at the camping spot of my choice, not to do plan or schedule anything. Just do whatever I feel like whenever I feel like it.

But people do not always agree with my plans and this is usually the time when each one has to find his or her own tree to place the tent that will host his or her existence for the duration of the trip. This is not a joke. When I reach my destination and check my camping list I try to relax completely and avoid organizing every single moment of my vacations. In case people wish to continue doing so, I have no objection but I will simply not follow if I do not wish to. So, regardless of the kind of camper you are, I would strongly recommend for you to consider making your own camping checklist and use it every time you are getting ready to for your next camping adventure. A little advanced planning will make your camping trip easier and your life simpler. Then it is always feasible to forget the organizational freak you hide inside somewhere across the shore and enjoy your vacations accompanied by your closest friends and partner.

There are several categories of gear you might need, so it is better if you begin by categorizing items according to their main category: basics, fire building, dinning and cooking, lighting, and miscellaneous equipment or extra items you might not think of carrying with until you realize you needed them.

Among the basic items is the tent, a sleeping bag, a simple camping stove, food and water. But apart from the necessary items, other gear can accommodate you during your camping time and help you feel more like home. For example, your list may include, plastic ground sheets, an air mattress, plastic storage boxes, blanket, folding tables and chairs, pillows, a first aid kit, rope and scissors, a well-working knife, a hummer and a shovel, sunscreen, toilet paper, insect repellent spray, towels and washcloths. For your kitchen supplies you might need a can and a bottle opener, cookware, cutlery for preparing food, a lighter/matches, the appropriate fuel for the camping stove, dishwashing detergent, a coffee maker, a thermos, tablecloth, a pot holder, utensils, plastic garbage bags and aluminum foil. In addition, if you wish to be able to see where you are going during the night it is important for you to bring more than one flashlight and plenty of batteries. Before buying lamps make sure you can carry the gas or liquid they use. Moreover, you will probably need to pack a screwdriver, a bottle and a can opener, a pair of tweezers and scissors. Miscellaneous things include a sewing kit, reading material (I would put this right after the tent), paper and pen (and then this would follow) or a battery-operated clock.

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