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Monday, February 4, 2008

What Can You Do When Your Mind Refuses To Write Your Sales Letter?

You need to write a sales letter but you can't find the words, the harder you try the less comes to mind. In the end you're left miserably staring at a blank piece of paper - What can you do?

Many people have told me that they face this kind of problem when it comes to writing their sales letter. No matter how hard they try and think about writing their letter they just can't seem to get things moving.

It's really frustrating and can happen to us all from time to time but there's a great way to get those ideas flowing and break out from the mental blocks. Let me ask you something first though...

Do you know your product?

I mean really know your product.

You see in order to be able to sell something you really have to know it in intimate detail. For instance how can you sell the benefits of Liposuction unless you are a woman who's actually been through the process?

What do you know about it apart from heresay? You don't know whether there's any pain involved or whether there's a special diet you need to eat afterwards.

Do you know what feeling there is immediately after the operation? Do you look into the mirror and see the hour glass figure you were dreaming about before you went for the op, if not how do you feel deep down?

Are there feelings of anger and dismay or is there a deep sense of ecstasy as you look out and see the real you that was hiding inside that tired old body all the time?

Only someone who has really experienced those first fearful glances can honestly tell this with an emotion that rings true.

This is why you have to know every little thing that you can about your product before you sit down and try to write your sales letter.

Knowing and loving your product gives you the burning passion to tell all the world about it and is the first step in overcoming the dreaded blank screen that so many sit in front of for hours on end, desperately trying to write their sales letter.

So the first thing you need to do is to get hold of your product and fall in love with it - that means you actually have to go and buy, borrow or test drive it.

Look, you're going to be writing a story form your heart telling me exactly why I should buy your product from you. If you don't know and love it how can you in all truth and honesty tell me to buy it?

Ok, go and get your product, take it in your hands and start to use it. If it's a book read it, if it's a car drive it - Do whatever you have to do to get to know your product in the most minute detail.

Next list the reasons why it'll help me in my life - Will it help me make more money or will it help me get from A - B more quickly and in greater comfort?

How heavy is it? Is it easy to use? Does it have any weaknesses?

List everything down the good and the bad.

You need to understand why and how I will benefit from it, also why I should buy it from you instead of from somebody else.

An easy way to do this is by brainstorming.

The way you do this is to take a blank piece of paper and draw a small cicle in the middle, write your product's name in the middle of the circle.

Now it's time for you to get the magic going!

Look at the name of your product and write the very first thing that comes into your mind down on the paper.

Draw a line radiating out from the circle and write your thought at the end of that line.

Don't think or worry about spellling, just write. As Soon as you've finished writing one thought another will be there, draw another line and write that thought down also.

Soon you'll have so many thoughts hitting you that you won't be able to keep up - Just keep on going until you have nothing left inside your head.

This is such a stimulating exercise that it'll often leave you panting for breath!

Once you've finished all you need to do is look at what you've written and make a list of all the great ideas you have. List them in order of importance.

Now you have the outline for your letter.

Use the most important reason on the list, the main reason why I should buy your product (this is the biggest benefit of your product) and turn this into a sensational headline.

Allow the ideas on the list to flow into your sales letter using sub-headlines when you need to emphasise a point, soon your letter will have almost written itself.

Finally, when you write your letter remember to only write it to one person at a time - make it personal!

That's it for now, go and grab your product, fall in love with it and start to list the reasons why I should buy it.

Go on do it Now!

Copyright 2006 Stuart Elliott

Stuart Elliott is a world-class copywriter who has written numerous articles about sales letters and copywriting. Pick up your free copywriting power guide at http://howtowritekickbuttcopy.comEdith Blog68713
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