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Monday, February 4, 2008

From Undecided To Decided A College Journey

Getting ready for college is much more than choosing the school, roommate and what hotspot is your favorite. There are many things to consider and one that is commonly overlooked, sometimes for years. Many students spend their younger and teenage years boasting what they want to be when they grow up, but when they get to college they can not make up their minds. For some, this is a panic because there are only so many basic classes that a student can take before it begins costing them. Even sometimes a few of the basics are specific or may not be required for a particular degree plan. There is nothing wrong with being undecided in the beginning, however as your college career advances, you need to make decisions about how you will spend the rest of your college life. Here are some of the basics about an undecided major and tips on choosing which degree plan to pursue.

Asking yourself a series of questions can assist in deciding on the exact path in college. There are many and even specialties in certain fields so really examining your knowledge as well as desires will assist in this important decision. You probably have narrowed the question down to maybe a specific field or may be struggling with more than one field. Could it be possible to combine the two, sometimes this makes for an excellent and highly demanded employee. Consider the following:

What is your passion sometimes your passion may not be clear until you accidentally stumble upon something. This is present in stories such as the young lady that had always dreamed of being a teacher. As a child, she would line up her dolls and teach them the lessons she had learned that day at school. This was her plan and nothing could stand in her way, until a tragedy in the family. After her grandmother was diagnosed with cancer and she watched as she withered away, she had a notable thought. Watching how the medical profession, primarily the nurses made her grandmother comfortable and held her hand through the many long procedures changed her life forever. After very little thought or consideration the college application changed and today she is a successful nurse working in the Pediatrics field. Holding the hands of countless children while they too undergo some uncomfortable, but necessary medical treatments, is the happiest she has ever been.

Positive Attributes Regardless of training some people are just better at some things than others. It is wise if you choose what you want to be when you grow up around something that you excel at. If you are a math whiz then you may want to consider business, accounting or some form of engineering. If it is people skills that you possess, how about a counselor, social worker or some other community helper. Generally, these individuals have exceptional listening skills, empathetic and have always been drawn to lend a helping hand. What about those that are excellent at getting the point across and are great at teaching. A teaching degree or some other form of educational career such as a diagnostician or administrator would be great. If running to the side of an injured or sick individual is your passion then pursuing a nursing degree is an exceptional idea. Nursing is not only about patching a boo-boo or holding a hand, it is about saving lives, educating patients and most of all making them feel better. Nurses are in high demand because of the nursing shortage in the United States, and God bless the nurses of this world!

Job Assessment or Placement If your job placement assessment turned out like mine then you are in the wrong field. Keep in mind that just because your scored out at a particular field, does not mean that it is your life's career. Be careful with only using this test, because it is not 100% guaranteed. You must follow your heart and keep to something that you can feel good about doing. Because you are good at doing a particular job does not mean that it is something you want to wake up to for the next thirty years or so. Choosing a career field is a big decision and must be based on a variety of things, not just a test.

Your Parents & Their Accounting Degree- some career fields work better for some than others. You can not and should not base your career choice on what your parents have in mind for you unless it is something that you want to do. All too often college students fall into a trap of going to school for someone else and then hating their job for the rest of their lives. It is very important that you pursue the career field that interests you. A job should be a passion, something that you are ready to go and do, not dreading a forty-hour workweek that seems like hell.

Staying Undecided It is perfectly acceptable to remain in an undecided plan until you have made your decision. There is not a huge rush to make a decision after you receive your acceptance letter. In fact many students enter one department and change two or three times before graduation. The important part of getting a college education is the fact that you are bettering your life regardless of the academic path you choose.

Gene Grzywacz is author of The Brute Force Study Guide Other college tips include:Going From an RN to a BSN online, scholarship tips and Becoming a nurse. Blog68713
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